Health and Wellness20 Tiny Habits to Get the Most Out of 2024

20 Tiny Habits to Get the Most Out of 2024

Here are 20 tiny little habits to get into that will help you change your outlook, optimize your brainpower, and tackle the days to come so you can crush those goals whatever they may be. 

Health and WellnessThe Pitfalls of Sitting

The Pitfalls of Sitting

You’ve probably been hearing the phrase, “sitting is the new smoking” and while it seems dramatic, studies are showing that this is spot on. Below are some of the ways that prolonged sitting can im...

Health and Wellness10 Tips and Tricks to Stay Healthy, Fit, and Sane in the Back-to-School Season

10 Tips and Tricks to Stay Healthy, Fit, and Sane in the Back-to-School Season

The Time is upon us… Back-to-School season. For parents and children alike, this is a hectic time. The early morning rush to school. Late-night extracurricular activities. Sporting events on Saturd...

Health and WellnessNational Women's Day 2023

National Women's Day 2023

Pumping iron, burpee-slaying, and sports have often been deemed the “boys club.” Despite the male-dominated training landscape, these 10 women bulldozed their way through stereotypes, flexed their ...

Health and Wellness10 P's of fitness

10 P's of fitness

We are diving into the 10 “Ps” of fitness: a fitness guide that covers everything from perseverance to power lifts. This is not only about the physical benefits of exercise but also a reminder of t...

Fish OilDid you know February is American Heart Month?

Did you know February is American Heart Month?

American Heart Month provides awareness of the importance of living a healthy lifestyle to support your heart. There are a lot of scary statistics out there when it comes to your heart health. The...

Health and WellnessQuarantine Cabin Fever? Do These At-Home Workouts for Physical & Mental Health

Quarantine Cabin Fever? Do These At-Home Workouts for Physical & Mental Health

We are living in a WFH (work from home) world, and if you are a WFH-er and seeking ways to stay on top of your workout regimen while incorporating some anti-stress exercises, you’ve come to the rig...

Health and WellnessHow To Switch Out Common Ingredients For Healthier Options

How To Switch Out Common Ingredients For Healthier Options

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated, in fact, there are many ways to make small tweaks to your diet that ultimately improve the health factor, without having to make large sacrifices. One...

Health and WellnessWalking Is The Best Exercise

Walking Is The Best Exercise

Taking a long stroll each evening is good for more than just getting out of the house for a bit. In fact, many celebrity trainers and fitness gurus create their workouts around walking, which says ...

Health and WellnessA Healthy Holiday Feast

A Healthy Holiday Feast

The big day approaches - one that has people putting on their stretchy pants, and taking L-tryptophan naps on the couch after gorging on several servings of fat-laden foods. A little indulging is a...

Health and WellnessMr. T - Regulating Your Testosterone

Mr. T - Regulating Your Testosterone

Big muscles. Being virile. Staying power. All these are related to a healthy testosterone level. The big T is extremely important to male development -  it helps to develop the penis, testes, voice...

Health and WellnessFree Your Mind: How To Train Your Brain For The Big Race

Free Your Mind: How To Train Your Brain For The Big Race

If you are ready to win the big race but your mind is telling you to slow down, then you may need to strengthen your mental fitness. Retooling your self-talk could make the difference of meeting th...